I was just reading this at itismylife and felt like writing on a thought, which has occupied my attention for some days now.
It is just that we take language for granted and don't think of the reality, but just ideas and the language. To be more clear, there is some reality out there in the world. We perceive it through our senses and we have an internal algorithm, which separates the common from the uncommon(this criteria may be different in some cases). Then if something is worth thinking, we think about it (I leave that there for the time being) and if it's worth commenting on, we subconsciously choose a language depending on whom we are speaking to and convey the thought or whatever is perceived in that language. The reality maybe different, the perception maybe different, the thought maybe different, the final output in the language maybe totally different. This may sound abstract. Why do we subconsciously perceive, convert it to idea, and following some rules into thoughts or language? Is it necessary? I am not saying it is necessary or otherwise, just wondering why it has to happen everytime!
This and other similar thoughts lead me to one final conclusion about human ways. We are just taught this and that and we are just acting. The world probably is just a stage. It is not naturally so, but we make it so. And then this acting becomes so subconsious a process that we forget it as even existing. We just take language the final output as a natural phenomenon. Ofcourse no doubt there is a need for language. But do we use it only when needed?
(For example look at me now sitting and typing out all this :-) )
And then as more and more people here and there use different ways of communication we classify these languages into names. This is English, this is Hindi, this is French and what not. Then we discuss why one language is better or worse, which language to use etc!
Naming, classification and making rules to follow have become almost natural to man. Probably it is required. But then we end up seeing these names as reality. Aren't they just names to identify the reality, but not the reality itself? Is this Maya? Tuesday, May 14, 2002